The aim of this Programme is to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills necessary for a qualified environmental professional to carry out a modern scientific research on anthropogenic environmental and climate changes and their impact on the wildlife and human health, analyse and summarise results about the state and changes in the natural environment, and make decisions, solving complex environmental problems according to the sustainability principle.
Competencies acquired
Graduates of the programme will be able:
Analyse complex environmental problems by determining their causal factors, interactions and integrating interdisciplinary knowledge.
Assess the complex impact of environmental and climatic factors on wildlife and human health by means of formulating scientific hypotheses, research aims and objectives, and selecting efficient research methods.
Formulate scientific conclusions based on systematised environmental research findings and comprehensive statistical analysis of parametric and spatial data.
Assess environmental and human health risk, suggesting preventive risk mitigation measures.
Make knowledge and best practices based and optimal from the point of sustainability and Green economy environmental management decisions
Career opportunities
The programme provides graduates with several general areas :
Work as senior specialists at the Departments and Agencies of Environmental Ministry,
Work as senior environmental specialists at the Environmental divisions of Municipalities, Service of Protected areas, Consulting companies, Agencies for management of the EU Environmental support and private Environmental firms
Can continue their studies in the environment related PhD programmes.